Archiv der Kategorie: Reading

Dragons in Nature

Nature has some great articles about dragons, that I came across lately. They are old, and probably well known. But I wanted to list them here anyway.

The first one by Hamilton, May and Waters is a warning that with climate change, the conditions for dragon breeding are rapidly reaching ideal conditions. And they are warning that the „Third Stir“ might take place soon.

The second article I came across is on the ecology of dragons by May. It is about the ecology and origin of dragons and why they might have gone extinct.



Hamilton, A., May, R. & Waters, E. Here be dragons. Nature 520, 42–43 (2015) doi:10.1038/520042a.

May, R. M. (1976). The ecology of dragons. Nature264(5581), 16.

Reading list 20. – 26. May 2019

Summerfield, R. J. 1999. Timing it right: the measurement and prediction of flowering. – Acta Agron. Hung. 47: 203–213. 
Sack L, Cornwell WK, Santiago LS, Barbour MM, Choat B, Evans JR, Munns R, Nicotra A. 2010. A unique web resource for physiology, ecology and the environmental sciences: PrometheusWiki. Functional Plant Biology 387: 687-693.
IPBES (2019). Summary for policymakers of the global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.

Reading list 25.3 – 31.3.2019

De Long et al. 2018. Why are plant–soil feedbacks so unpredictable, and what to do about it? Functional Ecology. 33:118–128.
Cameron et al. 2019. Uneven global distribution of food web studies under climate change. Ecosphere. 10(3) e02645.
Classen et al. 2015. Direct and indirect effects of climate change on soil microbial and soil microbial‐plant interactions: What lies ahead? Ecosphere. 6(8) 130.

Reading list 11. – 17. March 2019

Green and MacLeod 2015. SIMR: an R package for power analysis of generalized linear mixed models by simulation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 7(4): 493-498.
Defossez et al. 2011. Do interactions between plant and soil biota change with elevation? A study on Fagus sylvatica. Biol. Lett. 7, 699–701.
Giling et al. 2019. Plant diversity alters the representation of motifs in food webs. Nature communitcation. 10, Article number: 1226.
Cameron et al. 2019. Global mismatches in aboveground and belowground biodiversity. Conservation Biology.

Reading list 25.2 – 3.3.2019

Managing 5 papers this time.

Denelle et al. 2019. Distinguishing the signatures of local environmental filtering and regional trait range limits in the study of trait–environment relationships. OIKOS.
Ettinger et al. 2019. How do climate change experiments alter plot-scale climate? Ecology Letters
Sandel et al. 2010. Contrasting trait responses in plant communities to experimental and geographic variation in precipitation. New Phytologist. 188: 565–575.
Fridley et al. 2016. Longer growing seasons shift grassland vegetation towards more-productive species. Nature Climate Change6(9), 865.
Mazziotta et al. 2018. Scaling functional traits to ecosystem processes: Towards a mechanistic understanding in peat mosses. Journal of Ecology. 107:843–859.

Reading list 18. – 24. February 2019

Grafiken von

Cooper. 2014. Warmer Shorter Winters Disrupt Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystems. Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 45:271–95
Rumpf et al. 2014. Idiosyncratic Responses of High Arctic Plants to Changing Snow Regimes. Plos One. 9(2), e86281
Wilkinson et al. 2016. The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship. Scientific data 3.
Grinberg et al. 2016. Fake news on Twitter during the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Science. 363, 374–378.

Reading list 11. – 17. Feb 2019

This week only 2 papers, because of the NØF conference at the start of the week and holiday at the end of it. This is all I could manage…

Byrnes et al. 2014. Investigating the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem multifunctionality: challenges and solutions. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 5, 111–124
Fanin et al. 2018. Consistent effects of biodiversity loss on multifunctionality across contrasting ecosystems. Nature Eco Evo. 2: 269–278.

Reading list 21. – 27. January 2019

A lot of phenology papers this week, because I am working on an article. And only 5 papers, because I also reviewed one paper.

Vermeulen. 2015. On selection for flowering time plasticity in response to density. New Phytologist, 205: 429–439

I only managed to read this paper… but I read a lot of other paper, for writing the introduction to a paper. Just not the once I had thought. So here a few papers I actually read.

Wipf. 2010. Phenology, growth, and fecundity of eight subarctic tundra species in response to snowmelt manipulations. Plant Ecology, 207: 53–66.
Kawai, Y., Kudo, G., (2011). Local differentiation of flowering phenology in an alpine- snowbed herb Gentiana nipponica. Botany 89: 361–367.
Cooper, E. J. et al. 2011. Late snowmelt delays plant development and results in lower reproductive success in the High Arctic. – Plant Sci. 180: 157–167.
Totland, Ø. 1993. Pollination in alpine Norway: flowering phenology, insect visitors, and visitation rates in two plant communities. – Can. J. Bot. 71: 1072–1079.
Totland, Ø. 1994. Intraseasonal variation in pollination intensity and seed set in an alpine population of Ranunculus acris in southwestern Norway. – Ecography 17: 159–165.

Reading list 14. – 20. January 2019

Wieczynski et al. 2018. Climate shapes and shifts functional biodiversity in forests worldwidePNAS.116 (2) 587-592
Alexander et al. 2018. Lags in the response of mountain plant communities to climate change. GCB. 24:563–579
Flynn & Wolkovich. 2018. Temperature and photoperiod drive spring phenology across all species in a temperate forest community. New Phytologist. 219:1353–1362
Losapio et al. 2018. The assembly of a plant network in alpine vegetation. J Veg Sci. 29:999–1006
Gross et al. 2018. Functional trait diversity maximizes ecosystem multifunctionality. Nat Eco Evol. 0132